While the countdown began for the 100 year celebrations for Baptists in the Holy Land, we are glad to announce that several key leaders of Baptist work from around the world have confirmed attending this celebration.
John Upton is the new elected president of the Baptist World alliance, the umbrella organization for Baptists around the world with around 100 Million people. The Association of Baptist Churches in Israel is a member of the European Baptist Federation and the Baptist World Alliance and keeps in contact with the larger Baptist Community.
Gordon Fort is the Vice President, office of Global Strategy of the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention (IMB), which supported Baptist work in Holy Land between 1920 and 1995 by sending missionaries, financial support and overall leadership for the work. The IMB has around 5000 missionaries around the world today.
David Coffey from the United Kingdom is a supporter and advocate of Baptist work in Israel and the Middle East. He served as general secretary of the Baptist Union of Great Britain before was elected president of the Baptist World alliance (2005-2010). He now serves as a global ambassador for the British Baptist Missionary society (BMS world Mission).