“I became more tolerant and forgiving.”

“I changed in how I treat my children.”

“When I understood myself it became easier to deal with others.”

These are just a few reflections from the many women who have participated in the ABC-sponsored Empowering Christian Mothers program at a number of our local member churches. Last week, the program was launched in Nazareth Local Baptist Church with 30 women attending.

As both Christian and Arabs, the family unit is core to our understanding of who God created us to be and how we live out our faith in our daily lives. Parents instill values and model spiritual practices for children and spouses to one another. Not only do children benefit from their parents’ belief in and service of God, churches and neighborhoods are likewise strengthened by the Christian values of reconciliation and grace put into action among believers.

Thanks to generous support, ABC has developed and now offers a course of practical, faith-based training sessions for women in the areas of parenting and marriage. Our goal is to empower and encourage Christian mothers and wives to grow in their leadership, communication, and nurturing skills. Trainings provide opportunities to practice and hone the skills necessary for healthy marriages, families, churches, and communities.

Each course takes place in a local congregation and consists of 7-8 weekly, 90-minute workshops. Weekly topics include New Creation through God, spiritual motherhood, the importance of home life, Christian marriage, spending time as a family, the authority of parents, and finally, an evaluation session.

“In the coming year, we will focus on developing new content and inviting churches from the wider Evangelical community to participate”, says Daad Odeh, Coordinator of Women Work at the ABC.