On June 18, 2015, Baptist Missionary Julia Graham was ushered to glory in Dallas, Texas. She was 98 years old.
Julia and her late husband Finley Graham have been heroes and pioneers of Baptist work in the Middle East in church planting and building the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary and Beirut Baptist School.
Julia herself is a legend among Baptists in Israel, as she arrived as a missionary to Nazareth in 1946 with her first husband Henry Hagood, at the end of WWII and before the state of Israel was established. Her husband Henry died after few months, but Julia did not go back to the US, but decided to remain in Nazareth with her 3 year old son, to found the George W. Truett Children’s Home that would provide shelter to Arab and Jewish kids for years to come. In 1948, she married Finley Graham and they both moved to Lebanon for a fruitful ministry.
The following is an interview Julia did in 2011 where she talks about her time in Nazareth
The following is a web site that was founded in memory of Julia www.juliagrahammemorial.com
A video Julia speaking about her time in Nazareth:
Prayer Focus: We praise God for the life of Julia and other missionaries who spent their lives in the Middle East. We pray that we all know our calling and mission in life and where God wants to send us. We pray that God will continue to use people to pray and give to mission work around the world.