This August, the Youth Ministry, whose Coordinator is Luna Matar, hosted a summer conference which was held from the 24th of August until the 26th, in the Baptist Village.
The conference was titled “Why Church?”, hovering around the subject of why church is important and why does the youth have a role in attending church and building community and being in fellowship.

Many speakers attended this conference, bringing their knowledge and wisdom to the youth, including Pastor Bishara Khazen, Jameel Daoud, Pastor Ziad Farraj, Dr. Khalil Nasrallah, Rasha Saba, Rania Sayegh, Pastor Nader Hayek and Pastor Andrawos Abu Ghazala.
3 different worship teams of 3 different churches from across the region participated in worship, and 90 young men and women attended this conference.

The following is a video showing a time of worship among the youth: